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An SEO and PPC Agency Based in Los Angeles, CA


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Learn SEO The
“Kris Gunnars” Way

He is probably the most successful blogger and internet
marketer you have never heard of with more than 400
million visits to his blog posts.


Case Studies


Millions spent on PPC ads into
tens of millions in revenue



Millions in website traffic into
tens of millions



One of the largest domain providers offering more top level domains than any other domain registrar

Foundation of Ahmanson family (heir to Home Savings & Loan).

Top CA based wealth management firm managing $15+ billion in assets

Provider of technology solution for top brands including Deloitte, Amazon, & Canon.

Top singing academy with over 1 million YouTube Subscribers.”

Owner of several top trafficked sites with 300+ million monthly visitors & 83+ million subscribers.

1st investment advisory firm focused solely on solving climate change, over $3 MM funding raised.

Leading supplements company with the #1-ranked pre workout, DVST8.

Bible project offering commentary on passages of Scripture and history’s most prominent art.

Our Projects

Finance site grown from 0 to 250k+ organic monthly traffic in under 16 months.

Acquired finance site grown to 60k+ organic monthly traffic.

Acquired SEO blog grown to 10k+ organic monthly traffic.

Custom card game created by True Tamplin and team.

#1 Bestselling book on Amazon.

Our Expertise

All Things SEO and PPC


Search Engine Optimization is our area of expertise. Our team has end to end solutions for all things SEO.

Graphic Design

Our state of-art graphic design team designs presentations, ads, landing pages, and other assets that communicate your brand.

Google Ads

PPC Ads with a high return on ad spend. We’ve turned $3.5 MM into $10 MM for our clients.


Whether real and animation video, our team has create thousands of videos for our projects and clients.

Web Development

Web development optimized for SEO, led by Jon Carico. Get the fastest website and reduce technical debt moving forward.

Content Creation

Work with our team of expert writers to generate SEO optimized content for your site.


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Search and Rescue

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    What Do the Noodp and Noydir Meta Tags Do?

    By Kris Gunnars, BSc   |   June 13, 2019   |   1 Views

    Noodp and noydir are tags that are often found in the code on websites. Here’s what they stand for: Noodp = No Open Directory Project Noydir = No Yahoo Directory Put simply, noodp and noydir are instructions to search engines not to use information from these web directories when showing your site in the search … Read more

    10 Ways to Recover From Google Algorithm Updates

    By Kris Gunnars, BSc   |   June 10, 2019   |   982 Views

    Google makes minor changes to its algorithm pretty much every single day. Back in 2017, Gary Illyes from Google said that they make 3 updates per day, on average. However, Google has been pushing out BIG updates every few months now, which have been termed “core” algorithm updates. Sites that get caught up in these … Read more

    How to Use Robots.txt to Allow or Disallow Everything

    By Kris Gunnars, BSc   |   June 6, 2019   |   18,376 Views

    The robots.txt file is a file located on your root domain. It is a simple text file whose main purpose is to tell web crawlers and robots which files and folders to stay away from. Search engines robots are programs that visit your site and follow the links on it to learn about your pages. … Read more

    11 Things to Do If Your Website Isn’t Showing in Google

    By Kris Gunnars, BSc   |   June 3, 2019   |   1,154 Views

    There are several reasons why a website may not be showing in Google search. The most common reason is that the website is new and Google simply doesn’t know about it yet. In other cases, technical problems or content issues may be preventing the website from being accessible by search engines. Here are 11 things … Read more

    10 Charts That Show The Importance of Site Speed

    By Kris Gunnars, BSc   |   May 28, 2019   |   111 Views

    The fact that site speed is important is pretty much common knowledge at this point. It simply makes intuitive sense because most people online are impatient and hate waiting for things to load. In addition, Google has officially announced that site speed is an important SEO ranking factor, especially on mobile. But just how important … Read more

    Are Blog Comments Good or Bad?

    By Kris Gunnars, BSc   |   May 20, 2019   |   1 Views

    Having comments on your blog is generally a good thing, but it can also have some major downsides. If you ask different bloggers about this, they will have different responses. Many high-traffic sites have comments, while others have disabled them for various reasons. In this article, I look at the pros and cons of having … Read more

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    Our Philosophy Is Simple

    Make the best possible content and user experience, and you will be rewarded with traffic over time.

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