Why Site Speed Is Crucial For SEO and User Experience

Site speed concept

Online visitors are incredibly impatient these days. In fact, most of them won’t wait for more than a few seconds before downright abandoning your site. According to a study by Google, a whopping 53% of mobile visitors will abandon your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. This can lead to reduced … Read more

High-Quality Content Is The No. 1 SEO Ranking Factor

Man reading good article on a tablet

Google and other search engines are very secretive about how their algorithms work. They don’t want people to know exactly how they work, because then people would be able to trick the search engines into sending them undeserved traffic. However, Google has actually been telling people constantly what the single most important ranking factor is: … Read more

What Does SEO Stand For? A Simple Explanation

What the acronym SEO stands for

The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is the practice of increasing visits to web pages by making them rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. SEO involves various processes, such as enhancing the quality of content, improving the user experience of websites and helping sites gain relevant links. These … Read more

How to Add a Site to Google via Google Search Console

Google search window

Submitting your site to Google is one of the first things you should do when starting a new website. It should also be a top priority if you already have a website, but want to increase your traffic from search engines. This article contains a detailed step-by-step guide on submitting your site to Google by … Read more

10 Core SEO Principles to Follow at All Times

SEO principles concept

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the art and science of ranking high in search engines like Google in order to get traffic to your site. If you are new to online marketing, then you may think that SEO is incredibly complicated. However, it definitely doesn’t need to be. You only need to … Read more